To Achieve Something Different, You Have To Do Something Different.

Blair Athol Racquet Sports Hub.

Blair Athol Racquet Sports Hub.

We want to redefine the way that a sports club is operated.

It all began with a concept, one that many speak about, yet few act upon. A simple yet powerful concept - that everyone should have access to local sports, regardless of their race, age, culture, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation or financial status.

We opened the Blair Athol Racquet Sports Hub in November 2022 with open arms to everyone and anyone in the community.

Previously an under-utilised location, we wanted to create safe and inclusive space in which individuals and groups felt comfortable to participate in racquet sports, regardless of ability.

But what makes us different?

BARSH will be a new type of community sports facility where the focus is activation of racquet sports play with participation as the goal. High levels of facility usage will be supported by a diverse set of sport playing modes. This means play will range from learning to coaching, junior development, social play, mixed play (with other sports), and competitive play modes.

Our plan recognises important community shifts in attitudes towards sport:

  • This facility is a community asset, not a private club, and should provide open access and opportunity.

  • The dynamics of modern family life have changed, and people are seeking flexible options for sports participation.

  • A relatively small percentage of racquet sports players are focussed primarily on tournaments and competitions, meaning that social play options are highly important.

Every Friday night we offer FREE programs for community members of all ages to come along and join in on. Breaking down those barriers to prevent participants from being able to access racquet sports within Adelaide.

Who’s behind BARSH?

One Culture Group are the drivers of this new project, who have a strong track record in community development. Within their sustainability model they have a commitment to low-cost play and support for financially challenged families to participate through reduced fees.

Bringing together all cultures and abilities, One Culture Group is a Social Traders approved, NDIS registered inclusive services provider and recognised ACNC charity. Their programs work to address barriers to participation for different marginalised groups through community driven activities that reduce social isolation, develop life skills and support individual and collective social and economic participation.

By operating as a social enterprise and harnessing the educational capacity of sport, their socially responsible business model also gives back to our most disadvantaged community members. All their interventions are strongly theoretically underpinned, outcomes focused and practically employ the use of internationally recognised frameworks to create positive, meaningful, measurable and sustainable change.

To find out more about One Culture Football and their multicultural football programs that they run throughout the school terms, please click here.

To find out more about One Culture Support Services and their disability sports and services that they offer, please click here.